9/30 NESBA North Andover

9/30 NESBA North Andover

10:30am Arrive at the top field at MHS

11:00am-2:00pm Rehearsal at MHS

2:00-2:30pm Load Trailer

2:30-3:00pm Eat/Put on uniforms

3:00pm Load bus

3:15pm Leave for North Andover

4:00pm Arrive at North Andover High School

4:23-4:53pm Warm up

5:08pm Ready Line

5:15pm Performance

8:50pm Awards

9:10pm End of Show/Load buses

10:00pm Back at MHS


Please bring your black socks, band shoes and everything else you need to have a good performance. Also bring comfy clothes to change into and snacks for the bus. Money can be brought for the concession stand in North Andover. Thank you all see you tomorrow! Don’t forget to make a psych bag for your partner!